5 Unusual Garage Sale Tips That’ll Earn You Extra $$$

Written by Mario Flawless
September 21, 2021
5 Unusual Garage Sale Tips That'll Earn You Extra $$$

5 Unusual Garage Sale Tips That’ll Earn You Extra $$$

Garage sales are a great way to earn extra money, but you’ll need to come up with some creative ideas to get people’s attention. Here are 5 unusual garage sale tips that will help you gain an advantage over your competition:

Here are the 5 unusual garage sale tips

1) Front Door Sign, yard sign, street signs – Most garage sale-goers drive around looking for “yard sale” signs before stopping to check them out. To stand out, make your sign larger and include highlighted words or phrases that make people stop in their tracks. If you have a marketable item, use it as the main focal point of your sign. Use bright colors and larger font to draw in your target market.

2) Pre-Sale – Since garage sales are typically one-day to three-day events, take advantage of the anticipation by hosting a pre-sale the day before. Announce your sale on your front door sign, tell everyone you know through social media or word of mouth, and post flyers around town or at local businesses. Be sure to publish your garage sale listing in the My Garage Sale app a few days before your garage sale.

3) Unique Location – People are drawn to garage sales held in unique locations like churches, schools, or businesses because they don’t see them every day. If you live near one of these places, then take advantage of that unusual atmosphere by offering better items at lower prices or hosting a themed garage sale (e.g., ski gear during winter). You can also offer refreshments during the sale to encourage customers to stay longer and shop for more items. School fundraisers are amazing for providing a unique location with a steady amount of foot traffic.

4) Participate – Garage sales work best when everyone participates so make sure all your neighbors hold one. If you have a large street or neighborhood, then everyone putting up signs and fliers helps get the word out about your sale faster. You can also team up with a few people to spread the costs of holding a garage sale.

5) Donation – Many garages sales are used as fundraisers for non-profit organizations or charities that need help getting new items or equipment. If you end up having leftover items from your garage sale, then consider hosting another one as a fundraiser for an organization in need. Not only does it work as a great way to clean out your garage but you’ll be helping those who really need it.

Anyone can make money selling old clothes and other unwanted items at their own garage sale, but putting these 5 unusual garage sale tips into practice before your sale will make it stand out from the rest.

In this article, 5 unusual garage sale tips are outlined. It is recommended that sellers use a variety of techniques to attract shoppers to their sale. Some of these strategies include having a yard sale, posting listings on the internet, and advertising the sale in newspapers and magazines. Sellers should also have a personal touch by giving out free samples or raffles.

Do you know any other unusual garage sale tips that we didn’t cover? Drop a comment below and let us know!


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