How To Make Extra Money Selling Used Items Around The House

Written by Mario Flawless
September 29, 2021
How To Make Extra Money Selling Used Items Around The House

How To Make Extra Money Selling Used Items Around The House For A Profit

What if you could make extra money by selling used items around the house that are just collecting dust and taking up space? You can! Here’s how:

  1. Make a list of all the items you have around your house that can be sold
  2. Take photos and write descriptions for each item to post on the My Garage Sale App, Craigslist, eBay, or Amazon
  3. Use websites like the Facebook Marketplace, OfferUp, or Letgo to post items in your area
  4. Consider selling some furniture on consignment at a local store
  5. Organize yard sales with friends who are also looking to make extra money by selling their used items

1. Make a list of all the items you have around your house that can be sold

There are numerous items you can sell, but don’t limit yourself to this list.

  1. Bookshelves full of books you don’t have time to read
  2. The kids’ toys they never play with anymore
  3. All the old clothes in your closet that are too small, too big, or just not your style anymore
  4. Your grandma’s old china from when she used to host dinner parties
  5. All the kitchen appliances you never use, like the microwave or your bread maker
  6. Tickets to concerts and sporting events that are just taking up space in your wallet
  7. Cables for technology that you no longer own
  8. Stamps collecting dust in a drawer somewhere
  9. Your everyday carry items that would be much more useful if you sold them on eBay (ex: old cell phone chargers.
  10. Dresses not fitting anymore but you’re too attached to part with them!

Here’s another list of 12 garage sale items that sell like hotcakes!

2. Take photos and write descriptions for each item to post on the My Garage Sale App, Craigslist, eBay, or Amazon

When taking photos of your items, try to capture the best angles so potential buyers see the most value in what you are selling. Once your photos are set up, write a description of each item with any specifics about size or condition.

3. Use websites like the Facebook Marketplace, OfferUp, or Letgo to post items in your area

Check out online marketplaces that are specific to where you live! People locally might be looking for just what you have and since they’re local, they can come to pick it up right away. After all, time is money! These 3 marketplaces make it easy to list your item with an already active customer base.

4. Consider selling some furniture on consignment at a local store

You can also make extra money by yielding other opportunities; there may be an antique store or consignment shop in your town that would want to sell the items you have on their shelves! Consignment stores are often overlooked but can be a very lucrative way of getting rid of items. Keep in mind that you may need to pay a monthly fee to showcase your items in the shops.

5. Organize yard sales with friends who are also looking to make extra money by selling used items around the house

Organizing a yard sale is a great way to meet new people and potentially selling used items around the house in one day! Make sure everyone has ample space so no one’s belongings get stepped on. Since this is a group effort, it can be helpful to ask individuals to bring specific items they want to sell so there’s variety and not an infinite amount of duplicates.

You can even split profits evenly if each person contributes equally. Just remember: time is money, so be sure to price things fairly so you can all make the most of your efforts!

You can make extra money by selling used items around the house that are just collecting dust and taking up space, so start making a list of your items today!


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